Emotion At Work

Episode 51 - Emotion at Work in Body Difference



How we think or feel about ourselves and how we want others to feel about us can be manifested in the way that we look.  Some aspects about how we look, for example how we style our clothes, hair or accessories are within our control.  Other aspects, for example, our height or the shape of our skeleton, the size of our feet or hands are aspects about which we cannot control (without clinical intervention).   Body difference and physical appearance are two areas that my guest, Denise Sanderson has trained in and is an advocate for as you will hear in this episode.  Denise is someone that I hugely value in the HR world and she often gets me thinking and so it was a great opportunity to get her on to the podcast.   Some of the things that Denise shares that really got me thinking include: Is body difference and how someone looks a detriment to their chances of securing jobs or promotion? What are the links between body difference and racism? How has COVID helped and hindered those who have physical differen