Monsoon Pod

The fourth industrial revolution



In our very first Monsoon Podcast, Cherry Zheng speaks to Ehsan Nabavi, a research fellow at the 3A Institute, about the new machines and why the Institute is looking to build a whole new discipline to deal with their implications. From the Uber you caught yesterday to elections around the world, make no mistake: artificial intelligence and big data are revolutionising society. These technologies can’t just be left up to their designers to manage, because already they are filtering down into every aspect of life. Just why has this been called the fourth Industrial Revolution, and what should we do about it? Ehsan Nabavi is currently a Research Fellow in 3A Institute at the Australian National University (ANU). He completed his PhD at ANU School of Sociology in 2017. In his transdisciplinary research program, Ehsan explores how emerging engineering tools can reshape the ways in which government reaches decisions, and society makes choices, as well as how they can reshape both government and society themselves.