Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

John Haller Prophecy Update April 2020 "Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste"



When a crisis hits, there are those with less than pure motives who will always step out of the shadows to take advantage.  Such is the time we are facing, as those looking to increase their stature jostle for position as everyday people deal with fear and uncertainty.  With the deaths from COVID-19 beginning to have a much bigger impact than many would believe, hospitals whose ICU's are already at capacity are burdened with were to treat the critically ill, or if to do so.  Beyond that, the question becomes, where do we keep the bodies?In a sobering message, John examines the reality of where the world stands economically and spiritually as these unprecedented times fall heavy on the people of the world.  But hold fast, brothers and sisters in Christ.  It may be that God, through this crisis, has allowed us time to focus on the most important things in life...our relationship with Him, and those closest to us who sometimes play second fiddle to what we formerly believed took the most priority in our liv