Quiet Confidence With Dr Tess Crawley

Ep. 74: Mental Health Awareness Month TIP#2 - RESET & REFRESH



One of the easiest things we can do to improve the moment we are in (which can have the added benefit of refreshing our mood) is to grab a reset minute. What’s that? Something super simple that creates a pattern-interrupt when you’re in a bit of a mood fug. Even something as simple as changing your posture or vocalising can do it. * If you’ve been sitting at your desk and feel your forehead  stuck in a frown, stand up and give yourself a bit of a shake. It will reset you physically and refresh you mentally. * The same with vocalising - Been working silently for a while? Sing. Or yell. Or just speak out loud. On a technical level changing our posture or vocalising activates different part of the brain than when we’ve been sitting silently in a fug. Two of my favourites are super simple: * Kylie Minogue (or any dance-inducing music) plus dancing like a lunatic * Singing like an opera singer on steroids … ANY song that comes to mind I will turn into an aria. Van Halen? Yep. Due Lipa? Sure. * Both of these w