Raven On Podcast

Raven Bat | Batman (1989)



Have you ever danced with some podcasters in the pale moonlight? Well, now you can, as Natalie, Stu and guest Scott Driscoll throw themselves into the weird twisted parade that is 1989's Batman. Stu takes us through the pop culture moment that this film created; while Nat gets into a shame spiral about Vicki Vale's alleged weight. Stu and Scott discuss why Batman is a great film, but not the best Batman film. NOTE: Natalie's audio is slightly muffled in the first half of this podcast, due to not realising she was being recorded on her AirPod microphone. Around half way through we had technical difficulties and lost Stu, so there is a sharp cut. However after that Natalie realised her mic situation and switched back to her proper mic and the audio is much better!