Of Note

24: Heather Flanagan-Steet, The Greenwood Geneticist



Almost two decades after the completion of the map of the human genome, geneticist Heather Flanagan-Steet pushes the boundaries of that knowledge to help children with rare genetic disorders. At Greenwood Genetic Center, Heather leads an interdisciplinary team of scientists in cutting-edge research, studying the effects of genetic disease in zebrafish. That research translates into very human-centered care. Unlike any other facility, Greenwood Genetic Center works with each patient from clinical exam through diagnosis, research, the identification of practical therapies, and education in the broader community. In this episode, Heather joins our hosts Joseph Nother and Laura McIntosh to talk about how she approaches innovation—through collaboration, creative thinking, and an open mind. Listen as Heather talks about what it takes to be a good scientist, the search for truth, and the balancing act between staying focused on the details while nurturing the ability to be surprised by results.