Killer Media Sales

Qualification is everything in sales



Did you know that the first level of qualification needs to happen in the first 20 seconds of the conversation?   Sometimes sales people, whether they’re new or experienced, can get lost in the qualification process. Some salespeople have a nervous disposition as part of their nature but particularly when they are new, these nerves can take over and cloud their judgment. In sales, this can lead to finding themselves rambling and chatting away without having a clear strategy in mind giving a sense of disengagement, however, in those very first calls, qualification is everything.   In this episode of Killer Media Sales Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about the importance of qualification in the sales process, what this qualification process looks like and what can happen if you don’t qualify for a lead. They also talk about the importance of simplifying and qualifying the questions early on in the conversation to achieve multiple outcomes.   In this episode you’ll learn how to recognise when there’s a