Harvard Divinity School

Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War—A Panel Discussion



In 1939, Rev. Waitstill Sharp, a Unitarian minister, and his wife, Martha, a social worker, agreed to travel to Prague to investigate reports of a humanitarian crisis. A new documentary by Ken Burns and Artemis Joukowsky, Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War, tells the riveting story of the Sharps’ work in Europe during World War II. In this discussion, panelists Artemis Joukowsky, HDS professor Kevin Madigan, Amber Moulton of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, and Sana Mustafa, an activist and Syrian refugee place the Sharps’ efforts in a larger historical context of modern refugee crises. The panel was was moderated by HDS professor Dan McKanan. Learn more about Harvard Divinity School and its mission to illuminate, engage, and serve at http://hds.harvard.edu/.