Mixed Company

Episode 91: Retrograde Reflections



2020 Part Two is working overtime, so we're talking about a few things. AdAge has still not held themselves accountable for their negative CMO "prediction" about Bozoma Saint John--50+ days and counting--shout out to Gary J. Nix. And, working from home has amplified the effects of toxic people and work cultures, so we're solution venting our way to a happier place. Dope Sh*t/ *Ulta's Muse Campaign hits the right Black beats. https://musebycl.io/fashion-beauty/beauty-blackness-takes-center-stage-ulta-beautys-muse-campaign * Cori Gordon is now one of the e-commerce giant's youngest Delivery Service Partners. https://afrotech.com/meet-the-28-year-old-who-migrated-to-the-u-s-and-became-amazons-youngest-delivery-service-partner/ Aint Sh*t: *Amy Cooper's Charges Dismissed after taking a racial bias course. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/16/nyregion/amy-cooper-charges-dismissed.html