10 Minute Workday Zen

S01E12 - "How Grass & Trees Become Enlightened"



In this episode of "10 minute Workday Zen" we read Zen koan "How Grass & Trees Become Enlightened" and talk about the difference between you and a tree that's getting in the way of your enlightenment. Studies Referenced in the Podcast: “Plants respond to leaf vibrations caused by insect herbivore chewing” by H. M. Appel , R. B. Cocroft "Study of the Geometry and Folding Pattern of Leaves of Mimosa pudica". Journal of Bionic Engineering. 4(1): 19-23. Patil, H. S.; Vaijapurkar, Siddharth. 2007. "Birch (Betula spp.) leaves adsorb and re-release volatiles specific to neighbouring plants – a mechanism for associational herbivore resistance?" by Sari J. Himanen, James D. Blande, Tero Klemola, Juha Pulkkinen, Juha Heijari,, Jarmo K. Holopainen "Volatile Chemical Cues Guide Host Location and Host Selection by Parasitic Plants" by Justin B. Runyon, Mark C. Mescher, Consuelo M. De Moraes