Around The Diamond

Around The Diamond March 26th



The March 26th edition of Around the Diamond features 3 special guests. In the First segment Mike and I catch up on some Champions talk discussing on how the open try outs work and the loss of Bryce Massanari. Following that Andrew Worth joins us to touch on changing country's and throwing side arm. Then Champs star short stop Daniel Bick comes on to talk about resigning with Ottawa. After that our biggest Headline joins us as Arden Zwelling phones in from to talk about where the Jays are in terms of contract talks with Jose Bautista and Edwin Encarnacion. Finally Mike and I finish off with our predictions on the N.L Central and how it will shape up! Picture of Andrew Worth pitching with the Concordia College Clippers in 2015. Leave your feedback below and follow us on Twitter @Diamond_Dante and @96Nellis for all updates!