Human Architects

podcast 010 | Minimalism



This episode is a little different. I share a series of stories from age 5 to age 34 about how I became a consumerist of all things money could buy and how it was not until I had burdened myself, mom, friends and family with all my stuff that finally began to shift from consumerist to minimalist in 2016. It has not been an easy journey, but I am glad that I made the change. At the end, of the podcast, I give a few other quick tips. Happy Listening and have an awesome Sunday! Listen, share and leave me comments, ratings and awesome feedback, but most importantly, I hope you enjoy the moment! If this podcast adds value to your life or was a little interesting, please like it, subscribe to get the next podcast, join our facebook community at or check out the blog at . If you think it can add value to someone else you know, share it with your friends, family and network on facebook, twitter, linkedin or by any means that works best for you. Thanks