Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

Angel Reading May 2021



Welcome May! We are delighted to experience your wonderful energy! Have you noticed that your fears/issues are coming to the surface for release? If so, you’re not alone. The theme for May is - Unearthing. I explain what this means in this episode and also why you might be experiencing old “stuff” that you thought you’d dealt with. It’s a challenge when this happens but it’s not all bad. It totally depends on our perspective…. When you realise that you can release with ease to make room for something new, something beautiful, the process if tender and loving. It’s only when we fight the releasing and try to avoid it at all costs that it becomes stifling and frustrating. In order to navigate this month and all the many astrological events coming up, I recommend listening to this episode (and taking notes) because it will most certainly help to ease through the month. In this May Angel Reading you’ll learn about: The theme for the month of May and what it means. How May is a 5 month and the impact of the u