Englishman In San Diego

Thought Bubble 2009 Recap: In Conversation with Marc Jackson (14th November 2019)



The Thought Bubble Sequential Comic Art Festival, to give the show its original and grand title, made the venue transition and took over the Harrogate Exhibition Centre in North Yorkshire over the weekend of Saturday 9th/Sunday 10th November, with thousands of eager comics fans braving the elements to celebrate some of the worlds best comics creators, artists, writers and publishers. Somebody that I specifically wanted to talk to about the festival was comics creator and cartoonist Marc Jackson, not only to get his perspective on Thought Bubble from the view of an exhibitor of his own self-published books but also as a convention organiser himself, as the man behind the popular Macc-POW! show that is held in Macclesfield annually. Marc joined Leonard for an interview that was recorded for his HWD Hospital Radio show, Lenny's Little Slice O' Nerd, as part of a Thought Bubble Special broadcast on Thursday 14th November. In the interview, Marc discussed his time at TBF, being only an exhibitor for the one day,