Englishman In San Diego

GGC19: In Conversation with Rebecca Demarest, Mneme Press(GeekGirlCon, 17th November 2019)



Over the weekend of 16th/17th November 2019, GeekGirlCon 2019 set up shop at The Conference Center in downtown Seattle, WA, celebrating women in science, tech, gaming, comics and more, working to empower women and girls to pursue their passions—whether they love science and technology, comics, literature, gaming, or anything else. "Everybody is a geek at heart, in one way or another." The Convention Collective had boots on the ground for the duration of the event with writer/correspondent Ali Raphael taking in all the sights and sounds of the show, as well as taking time to talk with some incredible creatives in attendance. In this conversation, Ali spoke to someone who is behind one of the most fascinating projects we've come across: Rebecca Demarest is the one-woman powerhouse behind Mneme Press, a company dedicated to improving and increasing diversity in script and playwriting, sharing these plays with willing theatre groups, while also driven to publish the plays and books in an attractive and compell