Weight Gain Network Podcast

How To Gain Weight With A Fast Metabolism - 5 Easy Steps To Follow



See the full blog post here: http://www.weightgainnetwork.com/weight-gain-programs/how-to-gain-weight-with-a-fast-metabolism.php If you're a skinny guy who struggles to put on muscle weight because you seem to burn off all the calories you eat, then this podcast is for you so pay close attention. Keep Your Workout Volume Low As a skinny guy you already have a slightly lower than average recovery ability... so you don't want extra-long workouts to aggravate this problem even further. Your fast metabolism is hard at work burning calories all day long. If you want to gain weight then you need to be strategic about your workouts. Lift Heavy Weights Using Low Reps. You should do sets of 3-4 reps and 8 reps should be your max. Anything over this and you'll be training less for muscle growth and more for endurance. Focus On Calorie Dense Foods These are foods that have a high calorie payoff, but don't fill you up as quickly. These are things like nuts, fruit, salmon, whole eggs, oats, avocados, and whole grai