Ibm Ix Thinkleaders

Can AI capture the wisdom of others? An Interview w/ Dana Griffin of INNRwisdom



Can something as esoteric as wisdom be gathered through AI? Listen to our conversation about wisdom, AI, and building new tech leaders to tackle big problems. In this episode of IBM thinkLeaders podcast, we are joined by Dana Griffin. Dana is the founder & CEO of INNRwisdom, an AI company seeking to capture the wisdom of our elders. We talk to Dana about her motivation for wanting to gather the wisdom of others, how we can focus more attention on AI for Good projects, and the ways in which women are well-suited toward AI as a field. Connect with us @IBMthinkLeaders (#thinkLeaders) & Dana Griffin at @DanaAGriffin “The only way that we can go from having intelligent algorithms that can help solve one problem very well in a container, if you may, to something that can actually help us develop new solutions for some of the biggest issues we have globally is by taking in as much of our humanity as possible and mixing it together with the technology.”-Dana Griffin “As humans we've adapted to technology rather t