Art World

Ep. 82 JESUS 3.0, K Ryan Henisey



Artist K Ryan Henisey's work has shown throughout California and debuts internationally in China, 2020. Ryan won an Award of excellence in fine art at the 2015 California State Fair. He currently serves as president of TAG Gallery, an artist cooperative in Los Angeles. As a California-based artist, K Ryan Henisey's work is heavily influenced by the people, culture, and landscape of the Golden State. His personal narrative is often interwoven with mythological subjects, using patterning as a vehicle to make meaning from deconstruction. Their Holiness, Jesus 3.0 is a performance art resurrection from West Hollywood artist, K Ryan Henisey, inspired by the original presence of neighborhood performer Kevin Lee Light (details below). Jesus 3.0 is a secular, pop art reading of the Christ symbol, focusing on messages of contemporary advocacy through fun, kindness, and community. Inspired by the local, West Hollywood community, Jesus 3.0 shares Seven Pillars of Community during his neighborhood wanderings. These pi