Conversations With Dr. Walker

04 Messy Me Series The Worrier



Conversations with Dr. Walker is a podcast about personal development and growth. This is episode 4 of 5 in the Messy Me series. This episode is called "The Worrier." I help people find their voices, redefine their lives, and live in their purpose on purpose. My purpose is to bring light to darkness. In this discussion, I talk about Messy Me, literally. However, this is not a gossip session, but an introspective conversation that sheds light on my mess. We all have messes. Some of us choose to own it, while others pretend that their lives are perfect...perfectly messy. In this episode, I share discuss the problem-focused person versus the solution-oriented person. The discussion covers the concern versus worrying, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and provides a list of healthy coping mechanisms that interrupts the worrier's ineffective coping. My goal is to evoke your ability to look within and conduct an honest inventory of your life. Do you have a worrier's mindset? Are you ready to start calling the shots