Writer Experience

Ep 88 - Brian Birnbaum, Author, Emerald City, Executive Editor, Dead Rabbits Books



Brian Birnbaum is the Co-Founder and Executive Editor at Dead Rabbits Books, and the Author of Emerald City, a novel. He grew up thirty minutes west of Camden Yards in Baltimore, where at four years old he cried because the Yankees were losing. An MFA graduate of Sarah Lawrence College, his work has been published or is forthcoming in The Smart Set, The Collagist, Atticus Review, SLAM Magazine, Political Animal, LUMINA, and more. Brian is a child of Deaf adults (CODA) and works in development for the family sign language interpreting business. He lives in Harlem with the writer M.K. Rainey and their dog. https://twitter.com/brianburnbomb https://www.deadrabbitsbooks.com/books#/emerald-city/