Japan Today

May 17, 2019: Work to 70, Nissan Nosedive, Sex Abuse by Dad, War with Russia? and Halloween Havoc



In this week's news from Japan Today: The Japanese government wants companies to hire employees until age 70 as part of measures to address a severe labor shortage amid Japan's rapidly graying population; Nissan this week reported that its annual profit nose-dived 57.3% to less than half of what it earned the previous year, and forecast even dimmer future results; a 10-year-old girl who died in January after a series of assaults by her father had earlier been released from protective custody despite his suspected sexual abuse of her; a lawmaker was expelled from the opposition Japan Innovation Party this week after alluding to Japan waging war with Russia to regain control of islands at the center of a territorial dispute and Tokyo's busy Shibuya district has decided to ban drinking alcohol on some streets during the Halloween season following a number of incidents last year, including the overturning of a small truck. Rate and review us: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/podcast/japan-today/id517133982?mt=2 Gai