Keeping Up With Kelsey Cansler

16. Sho Gray: Ultra Runner & 100 Mile Race Winner



Sho Gray is an extremely talented individual with an extremely positive outlook on life.  His self professed goal in life is to encourage others, and he is very good at it.  Sho recently won the Pistol Ultra 100 mile race while also crushing the course record with a time of 15:24.  He lived in Japan the first 18 years of his life and then moved to Tennessee for college where he ended up staying and now serves as a cross country coach and local youth pastor.  Sho has completed countless 100 mile races and other endurance ultra events.  His spunky attitude and uplifting spirit really light up a race course.  In this episode, Sho shares how he made the leap into ultra running and his experience at the Pistol Ultra race.  He imparts training wisdom as well as how he fuels during and recovers from super long race distances.  Sho shares his goals for 2018 (spoiler alert: they are BIG) while also giving advice to those who may be on the fence about tackling their first ultra.  Enjoy this conversation with Sho Gray!