Nancy At Noon

The Madman of Tibet: A Reincarnation Story



Milarepa was born in 1052 in Tibet. His father was a wool trader who had become quite wealthy by the time his son was born. The family lived in a huge mansion and were very generous to their friends, family and the whole community. They were liked and admired by all. Suddenly the father became ill and died, leaving everything to his brother until his son was of legal age and married.  Suddenly it turned into a real-life Cinderella story. But it’s much more than that. Milerapa learned Black Magic from a forest monk,and cast a curse on the people who treated him poorly.  Listen to the show to see how it ends. Nancy Murdoch is an artist, author of 3 books and a licensed HeartMath coach. IF YOU NEED HELP I DO PRIVATE EMAIL CONSULTATIONS TO HELP WOMEN WHO FEEL ISOLATED AND ALONE START OVER AND REBUILD THEIR LIVES AFTER DEVASTATING BREAK-UPS. If you like jewelry, visit our Etsy Shoppe called Crooked Castle Jewels created by Hayley Murdoch-Fyke and Nancy.