Nancy At Noon

Mother's Day Stories



We all want our lives to have a purpose. We want to feel valuable, like we matter. And we want to belong by being part of something. Otherwise we feel like butterflies banging up against a glass door. As baby boomers we have lived through massive world changes … probably more than any other generation throughout history. We learned a LOT. We overcame challenges and grew as individuals in so many ways. But what good is it if we can’t share our gifts of wisdom and knowledge with others? This episode is a tribute to moms everywhere, and includes some fun little audio stories by moms. Check out my free online course Write Your Life Story Quick Start Kit. It's absolutely free and will help you get started writing your life stories. I also created an online course for when you are serious about taking it to the next level and making your life experiences and fond memories into audio legacies for your grandkids. You can find info and registration details on my website: