The Sean Croxton Sessions

Bonus | Gretchen Rubin: Breaking Bad … Habits.



Break those bad habits and create new ones! Gretchen Rubin, bestselling author of The Happiness Project and Better than Before, reveals 8 effective strategies for creating new habits. Plus, how to exploit your own personality type to make your habits stick. Topics include: -  Why sometimes we can change and sometimes we can’t – even if we want to. - When it comes to habits and expectations, there are only four types of people. Which type are you? - How to bust through the limitations of your habit tendencies to live more consistently with your nature. - The 4 foundational things you need to get a handle on to master your good habits and eliminate the need for willpower. – The importance of getting control over (or getting rid of!) the “stuff” in your life. – Abstainers vs. moderators. Why some people need it to be “all or nothing” and how it out could make all your cravings disappear. – Are rewards and values undermining your habits? How to set up rewards to make your habits stronger…and when it’s OK