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3 Steps To Building a Killer Tribe For Your Business with Dino Dogan



Dino Dogan is the Founder of Triberr, the Social Network for bloggers that sends over 2 million monthly visits (and growing) to its members.  Dino is often the subject of stories pertaining to business and technology on Forbes, Yahoo!News, and and BizJournal. His startup has been featured on thousands of blogs, including Technorati, Huffington Post, ReadWriteWeb, and many others. In this episode of Entrepreneur 2.0 you will learn: Why your business must create a tribe to grow The importance of brand ambassadors and how to choose them carefully How to find the first members of your tribe How to use your tribe members network's to expand your brand awareness Why guest posting for major blogs is dead The best way to use social networks to bring tons more traffic to your site and lots more...