Fireside Charla With Sdsu President Adela De La Torre

#014 - Cancer Research at SDSU



In this episode, we will hear from three of SDSU’s cancer researchers: Dr. Christal Sohl, Dr. Elva Arredondo, and Dr. Wayne Beach, who address research from three different angles. They are a part of SDSU’s Cancer CORE, which is a large cross-disciplinary cancer research group that brings together many researchers across many colleges. We will hear that the research they’re doing helps us understand this destructive disease, some types of preventative measures, and the importance of clear communication. About Christal Sohl: Christal Sohl is an assistant professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Chemistry at San Diego State University. In her lab, she is interested in probing mechanistic questions at the intersection of biochemistry and human disease. About Elva Arredondo: Elva Arredondo is a professor in the School of Public Health at San Diego State University. She has 18 years of research in examing determinants of Latino health, with a focus on physical activity and cancer research. About Wayne Beach