Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Is Your Worrying Manifesting Disaster?



Episode 42- Is Your Worrying Manifesting Disaster? Did you know that the history of the word worry means to choke or strangle? How much of your time do you spend worrying – about anything? And how is that worry ‘strangling’ any good you are creating? In this week’s Fresh Tracks show Kelly Robbins delves into the inner sanctuary of our mind and examines the effect worrying has on our lives. From the relationships we manifest to how much money we make, worrying plays a significant factor in our overall health, happiness and success. Kelly also goes in-depth on the topics of wealth and abundance to help you examine the roles debt and dependency play in worrying. With tips to help you derail repetitive worrying and taking control of your thoughts, after listening to this week’s show you’ll easily be manifesting your dreams rather than repelling success! How do gratitude, responsibility and patience play a role in not only manifesting the life and business of our dreams, but creating anything we want from a health