Thinking With David

#13 - John Reynolds



John Reynolds (@johnharperreynolds) is an actor in pursuit of his Personal Legend. This episode is a refreshingly honest look into the soul of a wonderful individual. My good friend John is leaving Austin to pursue an acting career in LA, a leap that has earned him a mixed bag of resistance and support. John’s radical vulnerability shines bright in our dialogue as we dive into his feelings and thoughts on the fear of failure and giving ourselves permission to follow our dreams.  The omens surrounding this episode were too great to be left unspoken. Despite being recorded three weeks ago, today’s episode airs on John’s planned departure date, which also aligns with his one year anniversary of abstaining from alcohol. I’m excited for him as he embarks onto this next stage of his life and proud of his bravery and willingness to share his thoughts with us all. It’s not every day that we get to hear from an individual in the moments before his leaping into the unknown.  I’m grateful and inspired by John’s honesty