Arrow Squad

AS 117 – S5E21 – Honor Thy Fathers



As we draw closer to the final face-off between Oliver and Prometheus, the team must work together and draw on all resources and outside forces to take him down. Thea Queen returns to Star City, just in time to find new and unsettling information about Robert Queen’s past, bringing into question the legacy he has left for them. Other father/child relationships are strained on the team as well, as Rene must determine, with Lance’s help, what can be done about the custody of his child. On top of all of that, a new villain is unearthed this week, in the form of guest-star Cody Rhodes, and even more surprising new and old villains may be in the shadows, as Team Arrow prepares for many final battles. Read More... The post AS 117 – S5E21 – Honor Thy Fathers appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.