Arrow Squad

AS 148 - S07E04 - Level Two



Martin "The Flash" and Cammien Ray dive in on an episode that had enough plot for two or three episodes - this week was a wild ride! While the villains took a backseat, the fighting continued, as the heroes fought each other enough to make up for it, and we've got some thoughts and theories on where they are heading. Meanwhile, Oliver undergoes a torturous psych evaluation in Level Two of the prison, and as his grasp on reality weakens, new information is revealed about what happened before he was stranded on the island many years before - and listeners had quite a lot to say about this turn of events. Join the discussion! This season Arrow will be airing on Mondays at 8pm ET. Our podcast episodes will be posted the following Wednesday, so we can accept email/voice feedback through Tuesday afternoon - and maybe an early Tuesday evening submission might make it in if you're quick.