Killing Your Darlings

KYD 089 - Freaky Friday



You know how sometimes you have a friend and you say to each other "Oh, we should do this thing!" And then you never do the thing?  But every time you see each other you say again that you should do that thing? Well, darlings, this month's episode has been literal years in the making!  Our Fairy Podfather, Patrick Walsh (of iTunes' LGBT Podcast Essential, Scream Queenz: Where Horror Gets Gay) has been begging for us to watch the original Freaky Friday with him for what feels like forever!  So after many conversations where we say we're gonna do the thing, we finally broke down and did the thing. Carpe Diem, or something? Teenager, Annabel Andrews (Jodie Foster), and her mother (Barbara Harris) just don't understand each other at all.  But one perfectly normal seeming morning on Friday the 13th, the two accidentally switch bodies and have to live the other's life for the day!  During this time, Annabel and her mom realize that they both have their own obstacles each day and that you can't really understand a p