Breaking Bread Podcast

God Image: How to Have a More Accurate View of God (Part 2 of 2)



God wants us to know Him. He wants our thoughts towards Him and our feelings about Him to be guided by truth. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Ted Witzig Jr. helps us evaluate our God image and provides tips on how to have an increasingly more accurate view of God. It is important to note: There are common inaccurate God images. Below are a few examples: “The God of Impossible Expectations” – God holds us to impossible standards and punishes us when we don’t meet them. He is never satisfied. “The Emotionally-Distant God” – God withdraws from us when we go through struggles and difficulties. “The Gotcha God” – God is out to get us. He doesn’t like to see us happy.  He is always looking for a way to ‘pull the rug out’ from under us. “The Hiding God” – God has a will for me but He won’t tell me what it is and will punish me if I don’t find it. There are good ways to recapture an accurate God image. Below are a few suggestions: Don't superimpose your experience onto the scriptures. Instead let the scri