Life. Unrestricted. Podcast: Boost Your Body Image And Recover From Food & Exercise Madness.

LU 058: Me, solo – "You don’t have to be thin to be underweight": Anorexia at higher weights.



Lovely radicals... podcast time! This week on the "Life. Unrestricted." podcast, I am talking about a topic that sadly doesn't get addressed nearly enough: The importance of recognizing anorexia in people in bigger bodies. In our thin-obsessed culture, eating disorders go undetected at alarming rates. With the stereotypical depiction of an emaciated teen (white, female, cis-gendered) being at the forefront of people's minds when it comes to eating disorders, the majority of sufferers either don't "feel sick enough" to seek treatment, or their symptoms get dismissed if they don't present said emaciated weight-status. This has horrendous ramifications. The majority of eating disorders happen OUTSIDE of this severely underweight range. We need to start asking patients about symptoms, not weights. How about: – Is your hair thinning out? – Are you still getting your period? (Meaning a natural period, not a withdrawal bleed from the birth control pill!) – Do you have trouble sleeping? – Tell me about your mood. Is