

I am broadcasting live from the Social Event of the Season. Even though I had been planning and talking about the event, I got nervous right before and even considered not going. The event turned out to be even more beautiful, precious, and fun than I thought it would be. It was everything I wanted it to be and more. The theme for the event was Live Known and that is something that has been resonating with me often. I am comfortably seated on a recliner and speaking about Live Known. It’s a conversation between me and my many hundreds of newest closest friends. If you are tired of hiding and standing on the sidelines of your very own life, I suggest you join us next year for the social event of the season 2019. You can find Melissa here: Podcast Web Page Facebook Page @MsMelissaRadke on Instagram @msmelissaradke on Twitter Show Notes [02:47] The Social Event of the Season was filled with women from all over the United States. [02:53] By the end of the week, these women who didn't know each other were exchang