Ordinary People. Ordinary Things. With Melissa Radke

Ugly Lamps and Broken Things



My good friend Whitney Lindsey will be here to share her story, but first I’ll be reading an excerpt from my new book Eat Cake. Be Brave. This is excerpt is titled The Old Tinkerbell Mermaid Rose Lamp, and I feel that it is especially relevant to the conversation I have with Whitney.   I met Whitney when she was going through an extremely rough time in her life. You might even say she was broken. We can go through a lifetime of throwing away and exchanging broken things, when things can often be fixed. Today, we shed light on what Whitney was going through as a person as she went through this season of her life.  Then we talk about who Whitney became and the season of her new life.   You can find Whitney here:  Whitney Lindsey on Facebook  Show Notes  [01:59] Excerpt from Eat Cake. Be Brave. The Old Tinkerbell Mermaid Rose Lamp.   [05:32] The first night that Whitney and Melissa met was at a Bible Study Class that Melissa was leading called Victory Over Darkness.  [06:57] Whitney was a little late to class t