Ordinary People. Ordinary Things. With Melissa Radke

“Tight Around the Middle”



I often get asked why I chose Ordinary People Ordinary Things for the name of this podcast. I wanted to do a podcast, because I like to hear myself talk, and I have some pretty good things to say along with some ridiculous things to say. I'm not famous. I'm not wealthy. I'm just ordinary me, so that's how I named the show. I interview ordinary people, and chances are, you are ordinary too. Some of the best lessons I've ever learned were from ordinary people.  When we take a second look, we realize that the things we do everyday aren't ordinary at all. Maybe it takes fresh eyes to see that my role as a parent is a living breathing miracle, and I'm lucky to get to do it. There are miracles all around us in the ordinary. This is why today's guest is so important. Lisa Jo Baker is a fangirl of ordinary life, author, speaker, co-host of the Out of the Ordinary Podcast and champion of women and Netflix. Lisa-Jo lives just outside of Washington DC with her husband of over 20 years and 3 of the loudest kids you've ev