Changing Denver

Unclear Danger 4B: A Rebuttal of Sorts



The reactions to the most recent episode of Unclear Danger: The Colorado Story of Rocky Flats have been overwhelming. In the form of two interviews about health impact studies of communities surrounding Rocky Flats, this is our response. Unclear Danger is being produced in partnership with the Colorado Independent and the Denver Public Library. - Support the show! You can now support Changing Denver with a monthly pledge on our Patreon! A monthly pledge of $3 or more will get you access to transcripts of each episode of Unclear Danger and three Changing Denver stickers. A pledge of $10 or more will get you a shout out in the end credits of each Rocky Flats episode. Learn more about our new, limited-time crowdfunding campaign at -   Follow us on Twitter @changingdenver. Thanks for listening!