Healing Out Loud With Jackie Shea

7. How to Navigate a Cancer Diagnosis, with Elina Fuhrman – Jackie Shea



Elina Fuhrman, creator of Soupelina "Cancer changed my life for the best...for sure" -Elina Fuhrman An Intro to Elina Fuhrman: Elina was in the best shape of her life when she grabbed her breasts in a moment of comical whimsy and felt a suspicious lump. That instant her whole life changed course—ultimately for the better. After sinking into a deep depression and surrendering to her potential death, Elina "woke up" when a brave friend showed her some tough love ("Yeah, cancer,  so, what're you gonna do about it?") Elina unfolded herself out of fetal position, wiped the tears from her eyes, and jumped into action. Navigating her cancer diagnosis with fierce strategy and self-trust, Elina slowly decided what treatments she would do and how: She was in charge of her healing path. As she learned more and more about the treatment possibilities from around the globe, Elina was inspired to cook for health and incorporate all of these different modalities in the kitchen—specifically into her soups. Soupelina (Sou