Healing Out Loud With Jackie Shea

21. What it’s Like to Parent a Child with Autism – Jackie Shea



Katayoun and Marcello Marciano, mother and child Autism: In honor of Autism Awareness Month, I had Katayoun Marciano on to speak about her experience parenting her beautiful, non-verbal, 17 year-old autistic son, Marcello. Autism is a bio-neurological development disability that usually appears within the first stages of life. How autism presents differs greatly from patient to patient— the spectrum is wide  (to put it mildly). Little else is known about autism—the most controversial and mysterious piece being the cause—making it an upsetting and disorienting process for parents. In this episode, Katayoun tells all about raising Marcello, from getting his diagnosis to tantrums that take the whole family hostage. She gives parents new to this journey a lightly sketched road map and a hand to hold. To contact Katayoun: IG: @katswrite Weekly Challenge: DO ONE NEW AND FUN ACTIVITY AND SEE IF IT CHANGES YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO YOUR REALITY. This is a FUN one! Around minute 45 we begin discussing this challenge, an