Healing Out Loud With Jackie Shea

23. Diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer at 29 Years Old – Jackie Shea



Lauren Kennedy, soon-to-be nurse, Hawaiian paddler, lover and badass   Lauren Kennedy At 29 years old, Lauren Kennedy was thriving. She had finally found some peace and healing after her boyfriend’s suicide five years earlier, and she was living an abundant, hopeful life filled with activity. When she started experiencing spotting between periods, a friend suggested she go to the doctor just to be safe. She never imagined she would have ovarian cancer as a young woman. The next many months were unexpectedly grueling, from the discovery of the tumors to grieving her great dream of having children. She showed up, put one foot in front of the other and today Lauren is thriving again, her eggs are frozen and she’s at peace with her new body. Contact Lauren @lolomaui Weekly Challenge THE FIVE MINUTE JOURNAL  My friends, journaling is really really dope. There are so many studies on the positive effects of therapeutic writing for people with chronic illness. Research has shown that writing can reduce symptoms,