Healing Out Loud With Jackie Shea

26. The Importance of Finding Your Tribe, Taking Sacred Pauses, Ditching Sugar, and Other Lessons – Jackie Shea



Jessica Corey, mother, nature lover, autoimmune warrior, recovering sugar addict Jessica Corey: Jessica lived an entirely healthy life until 2009 when she came down with what appeared to be a UTI, but was later determined interstitial cystitis. In 2011, Jessica got pregnant and all of her symptoms magically disappeared until her acutely traumatic birth left her in the hospital for five days, fighting for her life. Since then, Jessica Corey has seen countless doctors and done hours and hours of research all to discover Hashimoto's thyroiditis and chronic EBV. All that while being a badass parent and wife! Today, she lives a big, full life maintained by daily self-care and sacred pauses. Find out how Jessica made it through and some of her tricks to get through the rough patches! IG: @itsjesscorey Weekly Challenge: Take Sacred Pauses Tara Brach's book, Radical Acceptance, discusses this idea of "Sacred Pauses, " and we are challenging you to take some this week! All this means is that you take a moment, espec