Healing Out Loud With Jackie Shea

44. Lyme Disease, How Community Helps us Heal, and The Spoonie Theory



Noelle Janka, healing coach, intuitive mentor, yoga teacher Show Notes: Noelle Janka (www.noellejanka.com) is a  healing coach, intuitive mentor, and yoga teacher. More broadly, she supports social changemakers in seeing new possibilities for their healing, career, and the contribution they want to make in the world. After years of symptoms went undiagnosed, Noelle finally got a Lyme diagnosis in 2013. Since then, she has done everything from antibiotic and herbal therapy to Dynamic Neural Retraining System and Omdamed treatments, and today Noelle has been Lyme symptom free for five months. Join us as we dish about all of this, how community helps us heal, and the spoonie theory. Weekly Challenge: This week, we have a challenge that just might radically shift your healing journey into a more clear and straight forward path. I know this kind of work did that for me—I started getting all of my answers this way. Noelle challenges us to tap into our body's wisdom by asking it everyday (multiple times a day) what