Healing Out Loud With Jackie Shea

50. A Story Submerged in Inspiration, Hope (and Great White Sharks) with Swimmer Kim Chambers



Kiwi, record-setting, marathon open-water swimmer KIM CHAMBERS is courageous AF, photo by director Kate Webber Kim Chambers Record-setting, marathon open-water swimmer Kim Chambers (www.kimswimsfilm.com) from New Zealand, has conquered great odds to be here. Still very much in recovery mode from yet another life-threatening medical setback, she came on to share valuable lessons from her story of perseverance, resilience and hope. It was a grave injury and severe depression that took Kimberly Chambers to the water. This week she was the first New Zealand woman to be inducted into the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame. (And, let me be clear, Kim was a bad swimmer when she started on this journey in her early thirties.) Her swims have taken her around the world, along the way raising $1.7 million for veteran organization. For Kim, these swims are not simply athletic events, they are journeys of the self, stretching her mind and her body and her spirit. Among many notable achievemen