Somewhere In The Middle With Michele Barard

TEDx Speaker, Author, and Coach Andrew E. Guy Shares His Experience in Education on Somewhere in the Middle with Michele Barard



Andrew E. Guy is a phenomenal inspiration to millions, TEDx speaker, author, and thought-leader who challenges people to shift their mindset from limited-belief to Creating A Greater impact of influence and a life with meaning and purpose. Whether he's delivering conference keynotes, facilitating staff development seminars, advising municipal leaders, or empowering students to higher performance, Andrew Empowers "YOU" to Create Your Greatest Impact in the four most important areas of your life.™ With over 15 years of leadership and staff development coaching, Andrew helps organizations to implement effective strategies that create a culture of community which inspires leaders, and employees to thrive through productive action and effective employee collaboration. His disruptive, high impact and highly interactive approach to engaging his audience make him unforgettable. Organizations gladly request Andrew as their speaker because of his ability to connect with diverse audiences through seminars and insightfu