Somewhere In The Middle With Michele Barard

Food Activist Yvette Blair-Lavallais shares about food as a human right and why communities must fight against the creation of food deserts



Somewhere in the Middle welcomes Food Activist Yvette Blair-Lavallais Reverend Yvette Blair-Lavallais was seven years old, sitting in the pew at Lee Chapel AME Church in Dallas, when she sensed that God was calling her to preach. By the age of 10, she became involved in children’s Sunday School and afterschool Bible studies. God continued to shape her for ministry as she took on leadership roles within the church and the community throughout her teen and young adult years. Yvette has held pastoral appointments in The United Methodist Church, including serving as the Associate Pastor of Discipleship at the historic St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church in Dallas. Her fruitful ministry included cultivating and leading the Young Adult Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Bible study, e2 Elevate Your Experience Wednesday Night worship, and serving as Director of The Zan Wesley Holmes, Jr. Servant Leadership Institute. Yvette was named the 2017 Woman of the Year by IMessenger News/Texas Metro News for speaking out