Somewhere In The Middle With Michele Barard

Sam Woods, Author of Imprisonment, shares his journey from the streets to prison to author



Somewhere in the Middle welcomes Samuel Woods, author of Imprisonment Samuel Woods is a native of Canton, Ohio, where he was indoctrinated into street life at the age of twelve. Despite a strong desire to turn things around for himself, Sam found himself moving from the juvenile court system to the adult prison system. He currently is incarcerated in Mansfield Correctional Institution serving a 35-years to life sentence for murder. He has been in prison for 6 ½ years. Sam Woods has a beautiful and loving wife, Ashley Woods, and two wonderful children, Samuel Woods, Jr. and Daeshona Miller. It is their love and support that keeps Sam motivated to fight for justice in his case. He wants those who are in a similar situation to continue to never give up the fight for their freedom and encourages them to go to the legal library to learn everything they can about the law. Sam Woods is the author of Imprisonment, which will be out in June 2020. Visit to learn more.