The Robin Hallsten Experience

#52 - Pre #runforangsbacka My First 100 Mile Run?!


Synopsis I'm trying to complete a 100 mile race and at the same time trying to bring awareness to the ongoing Ängsbacka fundraiser. "In these times of great uncertainty and turmoil that’s going around in the world one of the reasons why I’m doing this is that now is the time to step up. Now is the time to be strong. Now is the time to be resilient and keep a strong physical and mental attitude. To step up first and foremost for ourselves but also for our communities all around us." I’m going to start running at 6 AM CET (Swedish time) on Saturday the 25th and continue for as long as my body can carry me forward in an attempt to push my own physical and mental barriers and at the same time push for people to contribute to the ongoing fundraiser. If you can’t join me in the flesh feel free to tune in to my social media channels: Facebook: Robin Christoffer Hallsten Instagram: @robinhallsten Or better yet! Go for a walk or a run yourself and post on your social media channels