Gotham Press

Adventuers in Randomness



  Welcome back, listeners. This installment of the GPP has been brought to you by the word fuck, and the letters M and E. We took a week off and failed to plan ahead so we decided to have a day of recording whatever the hell came to the top of our heads(that used to be part of the intro and all). We talk about one listeners adventures in her transition, then talk about Lala’s fantasy she is writing about. Giddy little girl. Will somebody make a porn of this Fanfic? Only time will tell. Greedy plays with his nipples while looking at Lala.  Do any other guys like their nipples touched in a sexual manor? Own it.  Words that bother us……  did were go too far this time? We hope so.  Gotham Press Podcast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon/FetLife/Discord/Facebook/BDSMlr/Twitter/YouTube/Spotify/805-303-1173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Association with J & W Paddles PIERCINGS BY BEE Steel_brat_