Mindmine Podcast

[032] Rentership Society and the Future of US Infrastructure



IN THIS EPISODE We discuss living in the "Rentership Society" - having it all but owning none of it - and how technology is helping us rethink our city streets - and the future of our infrastructure. ABOUT MINDMINE Authentic and insightful perspectives on society and culture... Aaaand gaming. #pewpewpew Watch our core show on twitch.tv/MindMineTV, as we chat about left brain and right brain topics, discussing the arts, tech, politics and everything in-between that makes up the human experience (within Western Culture). And on the other days ... on the other days, we game. MEET YOUR HOSTS Feel free to pick Evin's brain any day. He loves great stories, great games and being a part of this great community! When he's not on MindMineTV, he's acting, teaching and seeing what else life has in-store. Tatiana is a self-proclaimed marathon TV-show watcher. Girl gamer. DIY adventurer. Ailurophile. Storyteller. And lover of one-word sentences. For more, come on over to MindMinePod.com! RESOURCES Having It All,